Monday, February 21, 2011

New Spring Resolutions: The Plan

Happy Monday! Welcome back to the final countdown to creating your New Spring Resolutions (NSRs) for 2011. First, let's go over what is in store for you this week and then we'll get to today's assignment.

This Week
Over the five days of this week we are going to: identify and prioritize your NSRs; create steps to get closer to each resolution; and then, on Friday, you'll create some deadlines for each step. Next weekend, you can devote some time making preparations so you're ready to begin your NSRs on Tuesday, March 1st.

To identify and prioritize your NSRs we're going to follow the framework of Move.Eat.Be.. Using this structure is a terrific way to ensure your goals are balanced and you're progressing in each key area of your life (exercise, nutrition and happiness). I also want you to think about your NSRs as 9-month projects. In other words, what you decide to do you will start on March 1st and finish on November 30th (more about that on Thursday).

Today's Assignment: Move.
Today's assignment is to create a New Spring Resolution for your physical activity (aka Move.). If you don't think you need to add an exercise component to your NSRs, I encourage you to think again. Every one of us has some room for improvement with their physical activity. Ideally, you will exercise each day and, over the course of each week, do some cardio, strength training, flexibility and core work.

Your NSR for Move. is your goal. Ask yourself, "On November 30, 2011, I'll have succeeded in my Move. NSR if I (fill in the blank)." If you're having some trouble filling in the blank, here are some questions to help:

  • What kind of improvement would you like with your physical being? Weight loss, better muscle tone, more flexibility, improved balance, better sleep... 
  • What type of exercise do you think you need the most? Cardio, strength, flexibility, core.
  • Are there any medical or health conditions you would like to improve? High blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, depression...
When you've given yourself some time to consider, record the following in your NSR journal:
  • Move.: By November 30, 2011, I will (enter your goal).  
Simple! We'll work on how you're going to get to your goal on Thursday and Friday. For now, think about how good you're going to feel when you're there. Have a great evening!  

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