Friday, September 10, 2010

Move. It Outside

The temperature outside is cooling and the humidity is receding. Very good news for those who live in the 'heat belt' and have been enduring temps in the 90s. What can you do with all of this cool air and earthy aroma? Get outside!

Fall is a terrific time to add outside exercise to your regime. You have many options the easiest of which is walking. Believe or not, walking is an excellent cardiovascular and toning exercise. If you're not doing any exercise, walking is the way to begin. Start with 10 minutes a day and add a minute each day until you're up to 30 minutes. As you advance, you can strap on ankle or wrist weights for more resistance.

A great progression from walking is stairs. Many of us remember Rocky and his climb up the famous stairs in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Look around... there are likely a few good sets of stairs somewhere around you.

After you have a good baseline of cardio walking and stairs, you can go for a jog and then work your way up to a run. But, only if it works for you. The secret to successful exercise is choosing something you enjoy and something that challenges you a little bit. If you don't like to run or don't have clearance from your physician, don't run!

There are plenty of other things you can do to get a good cardio workout. Jumping rope is an old stand-by. Or do jumping jacks and remember your primary school gym teacher. Biking is great exercise and if you don't have a bicycle borrow one from a friend or rent one (a quick Google search will give you lots of options in your area). Inline skating and even old-fashioned four-wheel skating is a possibility.

The whole idea here is to take advantage of the lovely weather, get outside in nature and get some more exercise in your life. Grab a loved one, grab a friend, grab a pet, grab a set of weights and get out there and Move.

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