How many frogs are left on the log?
The answer is three. The frog said he made a decision to jump.
Making a decision to do something and actually doing something are very different. Of course, you are saying. That is obvious. Yes, it is obvious. And, consider this... how many times have you said something like, "I am going to get more exercise" or "I am going to start walking each day"? Better yet, have you ever said, "I am going to try and make better food choices"? If you want to put even more pressure on yourself you can say something like, "I really need to get more sleep."
The frogs can teach us a lesson which is vaguely reminiscent of something your Mother used to say, "Say what you do and do what you say." If we take this to heart, we should not utter the words, "I've made a decision..." or "I am going to try..." We could instead say, "I am walking every day!" and "I am eating more vegetables."
Option 2: Give yourself a gift and actually get up from where you are right now, take a walk and then eat a vegetable.
As Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try."
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