Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wellness Goals

The first step to make a plan for wellness is to know where you're going. Take a little time and reflect on your wellness goals. Wellness goals come in all forms so devote a little time to really understand what is motivating you to make some healthful changes. We also believe wellness is much more than eating well and getting exercise every day. True and total wellness is also about the other parts of your life and your "mind" health and well-being.

A fun and easy way to assess your overall wellness is by answering this question: Do you jump out of bed each morning ready and excited to greet the day? If you do jump about of bed raring to go on most days, chances are you're doing pretty well. If you're startled awake by your alarm and your first thought is, "Ugh, morning already?" then we think you have some opportunity to be more well.

Given that, think about your goals. To help you along, here are some examples:

  • I want to lose weight
  • I want to model healthy behavior for my kids
  • I want to "feel" better
  • I want better shape and muscle tone
  • I want to live longer
  • I want to prevent diabetes, heart disease and stroke
  • I want to find my life's dream
  • I want to start my own company
  • I want to retire
  • I want a new job
  • I want to climb Mt. Everest
  • I want to run a marathon
  • I want to write a book
  • I want to travel the world
  • I want to be happy
There are as many different goals as there are people. Wellness is personal. Your wellness goals are personal. Let's make them happen!


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